Project "In preparation"
In preparation for the Second World Congress of Friends of the USSR
USSR - on the map of the world!
Stalin is with us!
History, i.e. the same Universal world process that Vladimir Ilyich spoke about is an extremely difficult thing. In 1953 it took Stalin away from us, but by no means did it favor the orphaned country (and humanity as a whole) with a congenial successor to him.
As a result, Hitlerism - seemingly already irreversibly defeated - frighteningly quickly gained a "second wind" and continuation of itself, in the face of perhaps even more disgusting and deadly, US-NATO neo-fascism.
And if the German Nazis were "prevented from living" by the Jews, of whom there are only 15 or 16 million on the globe, then, you see, the entire 290 million Soviet people do not allow their overseas singers to enjoy life.
With the aim of "destroying the Soviet people" (!!), - just think about it, this is a literal formulation! - was unleashed, in fact, even before the end of World War II, the Third World Imperialist War.
It was not in vain that on the day of the Victory Parade in Moscow, shaggy clouds were crawling over Red Square and it was pouring incessant rain, so that they even had to cancel the triumphant national procession that was supposed to end the Parade, although people were ready to go in the rain. Everyone thought it was a bad omen then, and so it happened.
At first, the stake was placed on the atomic bombing of the Soviet Union, but when nuclear weapons appeared in our country, and brandishing nuclear warheads became a mutually dangerous occupation, neo-fascism switched to a new type of war - the so-called information-psychological war, designed to defeat the state - the victims of the attack are not open military operations against it, but through subversive activities organized within it, massive diversions of various aspects, while maintaining supposedly "normal" diplomatic and even "good-neighborly" relations with it.
Information-psychological aggression, according to the totality of the "techniques" used by it, is a large-scale crime against peace and humanity, and sooner or later it will be recognized as such - when the UN either "comes to its senses" or is replaced by some more civilized organization. In the course of psychotronic aggression, all the canons of international law that have been developed for centuries are violated, unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state is being carried out, hotbeds of socio-political strife, betrayal and treason are being sought out, provoked and kindled on its territory and within its jurisdiction, corruption is widely practiced, bribed statesmen use their powers to obvious and undeniable harm to their own people, without any agreement with them.
With the people, no one considered it necessary not only to consult, but even simply to inform them of what was being planned.
Deliberately deceitful (prohibited by international law) "agreements" were concluded, "laws" were adopted, the real content of which terrified the patriotic public and the expert community, but their opinion was cynically ignored, and the popular will of the Referendum on March 17, 1991 was generally criminally trampled on.
In September 1990 drunkard Yeltsin in a few days (!) dragged, under the dictation of his American "friends" (or rather, the owners), through the then Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the notorious Harvard project, which was a program for the total destruction of Soviet power and the foundations of the socialist social system on the territory of Russia.
The irresponsible "deputies", who, due to lack of time, did not have the opportunity not only to discuss, but even to properly read or at least leaf through this wrecking concoction, voted for it, as if not realizing (or maybe really not realizing) that this was their "voting "- this is Article 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR - Treason to the Motherland and that they are committing the gravest state crime.
And yet, we have been living according to this concoction for more than thirty years, and it is according to it that all the outrageous things we endure in our occupational existence are created.
Signing in June 1992 passes exactly under the same article and is the same especially dangerous state crime. (and also behind the backs of the people!) by two rascals, Yeltsin and Gaidar, of a kind of "agreement" with the International Monetary Fund (under the innocuous-looking title "Letters of Intentions").
Meanwhile, this scribble for many years to come obliged us to adopt only such legislative acts, starting with laws of the constitutional level, which are either directly composed by the employees of the Foundation, or at least coordinated with them in detail and sanctioned by them.
And all these crazy "obligations" imposed on the country by two fools are strictly fulfilled to this day!
Summarizing the above (and many more things of the same kind could be added to it), we should not even be talking about our "defeat in the war." Rather, we should say that what has been and is still being waged against us is not a war in the proper sense of the word, but an INTERNATIONAL GANG SCAM, monstrous in its scale. And what happened to the USSR is the result of precisely this transnational banditry, the "strength" of which lies in the neglect of all the norms of law, civility and morality known to mankind so far.
And just take a look: after all, this NON-HUMAN streak in history has been going on for almost seventy years, so the Executive Committee of the Congress of Citizens of the USSR was forced in its recent document on the anniversary of the Bolshevik Platform in the CPSU [1] characterize this period as a kind of independent "epoch of information-psychological warfare".
Moreover, the organizers of this unseemly "epoch" go out of their way, trying to convince people that this is, they say, the "natural" course of things, that all, they say, your socialisms and communisms, these are fairy tales for cattle, and in reality it cannot be and will not, but what we have shown you on the example of your "mighty" USSR will be.
And unfortunately, this neo-fascist sermon finds listeners and admirers not only in the form of a mass of telezombified inhabitants. There is also such a stunning fact that, under the influence of pseudo-ideologists of the anti-Stalinist, anti-Marxist stature, we have almost completely fallen into protracted zomboprostration, almost everything that was still called the international communist and workers' movement.
Companions, fellow citizens, fellow planets!
The question facing mankind in this regard is as follows:
Does it, humanity, agree to continue to wander, embraced by neo-Nazi haze, into a cattle corral with some kind of global gas chamber?
Or will it find the strength to shake off the darkness and return to the only true path, paved for millennia of the great earthly civilization, from slavery and oppression to the triumph of reason and creative principles in man?
The Soviet people made their final choice in 1941-1945, and they confirmed this choice of theirs - as events showed - in the ill-fated "epoch" of massive neo-fascist banditry against our country.
Soviet patriots should not be embarrassed by the protracted smoking of this satanic "epoch".
No matter how much it smokes our Soviet sky, it has no place in the historical process as such, it is not and never will be any of its "stages". Any chatter on the topic that, they say, everything has returned to normal and will now remain forever, should be stopped.
Everything that is generated by a crime and for criminal purposes, sooner or later must be qualified as a crime, exposed and subjected to a well-deserved punishment, no matter how much time it takes to restore justice and taxi out on the only true and fruitful, lawful path.
From this point of view - and from no other - it is necessary to assess the situation, both in its domestic version and internationally.
Colleagues inside the country should in no case abandon or at least slightly weaken the struggle against the occupation, on the pretext that it has been too long, and in general, they say, this is not an occupation, but some kind of new course of history, which the founders they could not predict, but then, therefore, there is no need to further and focus on them.
The most stupid thing that can be done in our place is to incline precisely to such a conclusion and to the corresponding disastrous course of action.
Both the Marxist theory as such and our conclusions from it remain fully valid, no matter how long the Time of Troubles lasts. Historically, we stumbled on the threshold of the transition from the lower phase of the communist formation to its second phase, and objectively we must get back to this threshold, because History does nothing "for no reason", and if the transition is started, it will inevitably continue and be successfully completed.
As for the international cut of the situation, its influence on everything that happens is enormous, but, unfortunately, throughout the entire psycho-informational "epoch" it has been and remains purely negative.
How much longer will it continue that the unfinished fascist brat is trying to wipe out the first socialist state on the planet, the cradle of the October Revolution, the blazer of paths to communism, from the face of the Earth, and the world community of the so-called "communist" parties only blinks "past" all this and diligently turns its back to today's struggle of the People - the Winner of the fascist infection in the Second Global Imperialist War?
Is it really not clear that what is happening with the USSR is a catastrophe on a planetary scale, its epicenter, that this devilish funnel will suck in EVERYONE, just as Hitlerism would not have spared the Anglo-Saxon civilization if it had managed to deal with the Soviet civilization.
And so that this does not happen, everyone must stand up, according to Stalin's Testament, to defend a just cause, on the side of the Soviet people fighting for their Socialist Fatherland, for the return of the USSR to the political map of the world, and its immense natural wealth - into the hands of the Soviets elected under the Constitution 1977.
Foreign communists and adherents of leftist views, isn't it enough for you to portray stupid "indifference" in relation to the fate of the Soviet people and the Soviet state?
And how can you not realize that it is fate - the same with you and us, that a world without the USSR is not your world, that those places that you, apparently, are counting on, will not be found there for you. Following the USSR, - if you keep talking and condoning all this, - they will clean up all of you, indiscriminately.
Supporters of leftist views are everywhere on the planet, if you want some acceptable future for you and your "leftist" dreams, join the ranks of fighters for the liberation of the USSR from imperialist bandit occupation, for the restoration of legitimate - Soviet power in our country, for the return of her legal representation in international organizations! You will immediately feel how the political atmosphere on the globe will improve and improve!
Organize in your countries campaigns of solidarity with the unconquered citizens of the USSR who are fighting for the freedom and independence of their Socialist Motherland!
Demand from the ruling circles of your countries (and at the same time from the leadership of the parties in which you are a member) that they recognize the INDISPUTABLE FACT of the continuation of the legal existence of the USSR and the preservation of all the fullness of its legal personality!
Remind everyone around you about the referendum in defense of the USSR on March 17, 1991, about the political and legal inviolability of its results, and that the violation of the will of the Soviet people, who voted for the preservation of the USSR with a majority of more than three-quarters of the votes, was, is to this day and will continue to be a crime of transnational neo-fascism awaiting its Nuremberg Tribunal! [2]
Raise your voice of protest against neo-fascist banditry, when an undeclared war is being waged against a people that did not threaten anyone with the hands of corrupt scum in its power elite, who sold themselves for a certain bribe to the geopolitical antagonist of the country.
Companions, fellow citizens, fellow planets!
Is anything more unnatural than the fact that a modern supposedly civilized state is seeking, as its "national goal", the destruction of a foreign people - our Soviet people, "guilty" only in that it occupies a vast territory abounding in minerals and other miraculous benefits: forests, freshwater reservoirs, fertile lands, etc.?
And yet, for 30 years the United States has been openly screaming about this "national goal" of its own, and it is not at all removed from the agenda, but persistently, methodically carried out; but for some reason, no one, no UN will pull up the obscurantists and hold them accountable under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. How much longer should the Soviet people single-handedly resist the rampant neo-fascist cannibalism? After all, only the will of the peoples of other countries in solidarity with us, the Soviets, who are somehow involved in a shamefully senseless and immoral "crusade" can really put an end to the disgrace.
In the end, it is not at all excluded that we will cope alone, as we once dealt with Hitler, but let everyone decide for himself who will be on which side after that. Remember how many countries - the actual collaborators of Nazi Germany came out of World War II "suffered" by fascism, and even "winners" only thanks to the USSR and its great leader I.V. Stalin. Let us gather, following the example of the First World Congress in 1927, at the Second World Congress of Friends of the USSR and help History to quickly return the course of events to the channel of those immortal names and ideas that managed to ignite the dawn of communism over our blessed planet!
Register in the USSR system - on the world map! Stalin is with us!
Send messages about your desire to join (register) to the following addresses: pochta-sssr@mail.ru, v1801.cccp@yandex.ru, mocsovet-dg-ussr@mail.ru.
In the message, indicate the name of the organization, its location, contact details (mail, e-mail, phone).
For those wishing to join individually - the same: full name, location, contact details (mail, e-mail, phone).
Citizens of the USSR indicate their Soviet citizenship.
The collection of funds for the Congress is carried out on <card number> in rubles, on <card number> in foreign currency.
[one] http://cccp-kpss.narod.ru/bpk/2021/2021-06-08-k-30-letiu-bp-kpss.htm .
[2] See the two-volume book In the Name of the Referendum, recently published by the Council of Citizens of the USSR in Moscow.
This is a unique collection of basic materials on all the "March" rallies of the Movement of Citizens of the USSR from 1997 to 2021.
To purchase the book, please contact: mocsovet-dg-ussr@mail.ru .