Report at the Assembly of the activists of the citizens of the USSR
Chairman of the Executive Committee
Congress of Citizens of the USSR,
coordinating secretary
Bolshevik platform in the CPSU,
cand. philosophy Sciences
For the II World Congress of Friends of the USSR!
Report at the Assembly of the activists of the citizens of the USSR in Moscow in honor of the 140th anniversary of the birth of the classic of Marxism-Leninism, the Supreme Commander of the victorious Armed Forces of the USSR
during the Great Patriotic War I.V. STALIN
Moscow, Zastava Ilyich, December 21, 2019
Dear comrades, today we are celebrating the 140th anniversary of the birth of a man whose name will forever be associated with the grandiose historical epic of building the world's first working people's state, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The Executive Committee of the Congress of Citizens of the USSR and the Moscow Center of the Bolshevik Platform in the CPSU congratulate all of you, all our comrades-in-arms and like-minded people, all Soviet people on this glorious, truly inspiring date.
And we do not need, as they say, to prick our eyes with the fact that at the present moment this state is undergoing a catastrophe of the most severe military defeat; and that it, as the class and geopolitical enemy that has prevailed in a predatory way tries to assure us, that it has ceased to exist altogether, has left the political map of the planet forever.
But we, the citizens of this state and its patriots, we know that it has not gone anywhere, just as the bearer of its sovereignty, the Soviet people, has not gone anywhere, that this historical colossus has been defeated only temporarily, that through our common efforts its inexhaustible life resource will inevitably be mobilized again, and he will rise to his full heroic stature, and continue the path destined for him to the heights of material and spiritual prosperity and power.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin said that the best way to celebrate any memorable date is to discuss some problem associated with this date and waiting for its solution.
And now, let's also act in accordance with this instruction of our founder, all the more so since there is no need to go far for the problem, as is clearly seen from what has just been said here.
So, the problem is the liberation from the imperialist occupation of the Leninist-Stalinist USSR, its return to a full-fledged historical and political existence; moreover, not some kind of "union of fraternal peoples", etc. in the same spirit, but precisely the USSR, built on the Leninist-Stalinist principles.
In the following presentation, the problem will be further specified.
With your permission, let me immediately focus on the problematic side of the matter, and I will not, for example, as it would be necessary according to the ritual, retell the biography of the Leader in detail. For, firstly, all of us, Marxist-Stalinists, are quite familiar with it, and secondly, in connection with the current anniversary, no doubt, it will be covered many times and in different versions.
And by analogy with this, I will limit myself to a dotted enumeration of those great deeds of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin as the creator and long-term leader of the Soviet state, which, perhaps, traditionally should have taken much more space in the anniversary report than we give them, but We have already made a decision and let's stick to it.
So, let us remember, this is first of all a struggle, and a struggle not for life, but for death! – with the anti-Leninist, right-wing Trotskyist opposition, i.e., with the then “fifth column”. What kind of struggle, even among our "red" historians, is still going on under the rubric of "Stalin's repressions"; meanwhile, if Stalin could not suppress this "hydra of internal counter-revolution" and if all these "innocently repressed" figures remained in their positions in the party-state and military leadership, then we would have lost the war with Hitler for the same scenario and with the same devastating outcome, as a few decades later they lost to the Americans an unacceptably huge (although still not fatal) piece of the Third World War.
Further, dotted: collectivization. The transition in the agrarian sector of the country from low-commodity small-peasant farming, first to a much more productive collective, and then completely to large-scale machine production. The collectivization of the village made it possible, quite simply, to feed the country, save it from the regularly repeated “holodomors” typical of tsarist Russia, and in general from hunger, even during the Great Patriotic War, when the population in the unoccupied territories was completely provided with food cards and was guaranteed to receive a set of foodstuffs acceptable for military conditions.
Further, dotted: industrialization. In a fantastically short period of time, the country turned into a self-sufficient industrial giant, which produced the most sophisticated world-class equipment, and even had no analogues in the world. The second industrial base of the national economy beyond the Urals was created. The Northern Sea Route was laid, along the route there were settlements, the standard of living in which was not much inferior even to the capital: such was the supply of food and goods. My cousin worked in Tiksi for seven years, got two boys there with his young wife, the boys, I remember, are like boletus mushrooms: strong, healthy. But in Tiksi there is no sun for half a year.
With the cultural revolution, too, everything that is called is clear after twenty-eight years of occupation, when the anti-Soviet who seized the rudders could not demonstrate anything even remotely approaching the masterpieces of Soviet cinema and theater, academic and pop and entertainment music, literature and poetry, architecture and fine arts .
And as for the mass culture intended for ordinary citizens, it was simply lowered into some kind of abyss of disgust and indecency. Meanwhile, the Soviet mass song, it was a unique phenomenon of cultural history - a real musical university of patriotism, devotion to the Motherland and its shrines, commitment to your favorite work and honest work, reverence for your beloved woman, girl and respect for her purity. And all this was stated in a melodic, easily remembered musical language, literally the whole people sang these songs with enthusiasm, and with them the Soviet moral values propagandized by them settled in the hearts of the people.
And finally, the Great Patriotic War, the Victory over the forces of fascist misanthropy and evil twisted into a snake ball, truly all of Europe at that time. And this terrifying avalanche broke against the invincible will of the Soviet people, led and inspired to fight by the Leninist-Stalinist Bolshevik Party.
Two years later - just think about it! - just two years after the end of the war, a policy of regular price reductions for all consumer goods was launched, the well-being of the people grew, without exaggeration, before our eyes. But the breakthrough to communism, which was ripening in the depths of the socialist society led by Stalin in our country, was slowed down, and then completely crushed by the new world imperialist war unleashed against us. - psycho-informational. In addition, History, after the departure of I.V. Stalin from the political scene, clearly "spoiled" for an equivalent replacement for him.
And now back to our today's problems.
Stalin's statements on the issues of protecting our Soviet Motherland from encroachments on it by world imperialism and in general about the attitude towards the USSR were quoted more than once in our materials, but let's still listen to them again.
"Since the victory of the October Revolution, only those who resolutely and wholeheartedly support the world's first proletarian dictatorship can be Marxists." [one]
“There is one question that places a dividing line between all possible groups, trends, parties and tests whether they are revolutionary or anti-revolutionary. This question is ... the question of the defense of the USSR, the question of the unconditional, unconditional defense of the USSR from attacks by imperialism.
A revolutionary is one who, without reservations, of course, openly and honestly ... is ready to defend, defend the USSR, for the USSR is the world's first proletarian revolutionary state building socialism. An internationalist is one who is unreservedly, without hesitation, without conditions, ready to defend the USSR because the USSR is the base of the world revolutionary movement, and it is impossible to defend, to advance this revolutionary movement without defending the USSR. For whoever thinks of defending the world revolutionary movement apart from and against the USSR goes against the revolution, he will inevitably slide into the camp of the enemies of the revolution .
And, as almost always with Stalin, under this reasoning of his lies a deep philosophical foundation, which must be revealed, because it is acutely relevant just for our days.
Both Lenin and Stalin, both classics of our Revolution, were adherents of the traditional dialectical conception of the world as a whole.
The world is not a conglomerate of private processes that exist each by itself. The world is an integrity embraced by a single objective regularity, a single objective process.
In dialectics, the "universal world process" (according to Lenin), the image of "movement in general", movement as such, is the development, periodic transition, or rise, of a developing reality from some less perfect state to a more perfect, higher one. [3]
The universal in dialectics is "concrete-universal", it is not a mental abstraction, not a faceless averaging over all time and space, but it is a really existing, currently highest, achieved level of development.
Hence the Stalinist apologetics of the USSR: it is theoretically and philosophically the most profoundly substantiated, although it is obvious that Stalin did not do this intentionally, but simply because of the objective phenomenality of his intellect.
The USSR, as the main result of the first proletarian revolution in history, was for the entire world revolutionary process its "concrete-universal", i.e. his essence, the focus of his life energy and the only conceivable, at that time, launching pad for further movement forward.
Let's say about the platform for further movement.
In dialectics, development can continue only through the so-called removal - assimilation, processing, creative assimilation of everything valuable that has been achieved at the last stage and is presented in it as in a concrete-universal. There are no other options for climbing to the next level, no "bypasses" and workarounds for development. It cannot step over the concrete-universal of the previous level, it cannot ignore it.
And here the question arises before us: what to do if some kind of socio-dialectical catastrophe occurred at the previous, last in time level?
Here the USSR was "specifically universal" for the planetary revolutionary process, but somewhere after 1953 it began to degrade, and then it was completely replaced by some kind of ugliness (the totality of the current occupation regimes), which ugliness has nothing to do not only with the global revolutionary process, but also to common sense in general.
Let's try to imagine what answer to this question we could hear from the brilliant dialectic philosopher Stalin.
Surely he would have argued as follows: as soon as development somehow cannot objectively bypass this formed dam, but for its continuation it must certainly return to the socio-dialectical platform of the USSR, then it is necessary, comrades, - as you wish, "blood from the nose", - but free this platform, and remove this pathology formed from there at any cost.
Well, we are building our plans to save the country, to normalize everything that happens to it in accordance with this, our Leader's supposed answer.
We interpret the resulting "dam" or "pathology" as a temporary occupation of the USSR by the forces and structures of transnational capital, from which occupation it must be liberated through the new rallying of our citizens into the Soviet people and the deployment of their national liberation struggle. Let me no longer state this well-known ideologeme of ours.
Of course, we may be objected: since the USSR is in trouble, then, besides it, there are other socialist countries, and why cannot the world revolutionary process continue through them?
Yes, it would be possible if at least one of these countries was socio-dialectically at the same stage of development as the Stalinist USSR. But this, unfortunately, is not. Of the current socialist countries, not only has not one introduced the Stalinist economic model to this day, but even does not plan to do so.
So the task of liberating and recreating the USSR, as if set before us by Stalin himself, today objectively remains integral, a priority not only for us, citizens of the USSR, but also for all participants in the global revolutionary process.
All participants in the planetary liberation movement - the communist movement, if you will - must understand WHAT
– if the USSR, as long as it existed, was the socio-dialectical pinnacle of this movement,
- and if this status of his, despite everything that happened to him, no one has been able to adopt until now,
- then the protracted catastrophe he is undergoing is a catastrophe, that is, of the COMPLETE PROCESS OF THE ASCENT OF HUMANITY TO COMMUNISM; it concerns ALL participants in this process, and the entire world communist community, as a whole, as a single communist brotherhood, must join in overcoming the catastrophe jointly and on an equal footing with the struggling Soviet people, must consider the liberation of the USSR from imperialist occupation as their vital cause.
And here we come to the main and most difficult ideological flaw in the situation under discussion. And this blunder is that the international communist community of our time is absolutely unable to discern, perceive and comprehend the role and fate of the USSR as a "growth point", as the developmental core of world communism.
Yes, there was a time when the very act of accomplishing the proletarian revolution served as such a point of growth. But now the revolution has come to pass, and that for the sake of which it was made has arisen - the state of the working people, the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat. And that's it - the energy of the process has rushed there, and now it depends on the fate of this state, and not on the revolution as such, how the communist transformation of the world will develop.
And Stalin grasped this objective dialectic of events and formulated it piercingly clearly. But with the entire post-Stalin generation of "thinkers" in quotation marks, we are clearly out of luck - so many years have passed, but they cannot figure it out.
Look what a disgrace - there is no other way to put it - going on at the current so-called International Meetings of Communist and Workers' Parties.
Gathered for the last time in Izmir, in Turkey, in October of this year; declared solidarity with the peoples of Cuba, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq, Cyprus, Libya, Western Sahara, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia, even the Kurds were not forgotten. They promised to celebrate the anniversaries of V.I. Lenin and Engels, to honor the memory of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht. Only now they didn’t give a hint about the Stalin jubilee. One of our comrades-in-arms, Y.P. Solomatin from Kyiv, commented: “support EVERYONE-ALL-ALL, except for the Soviet people, who are fighting in the Russian Federation against the occupying Yeltsin-Putin regime for the revival of the USSR. ./ do we need him, such an ANTI-Soviet and ANTI-communist MVKRP?"
The ideological and moral responsibility for such shame is undoubtedly borne by those who should act here as the vanguard: our UPC-CPSU and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
But more than twenty years after the Congress of Citizens of the USSR put forward the thesis about the continuation of the existence of the USSR de jure, in a temporarily occupied state, neither one nor the other, despite our incessant agitation, never joined this truth, practically does not require lengthy proofs.
Moreover, Zyuganov managed in 2013. to declare the Soviet people "destroyed politically and politically and economically", ceased to exist. And again, although the Movement of Citizens of the USSR over the years has repeatedly appealed to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, demanding officially, on behalf of the party, to disavow this wrecking nonsense, this has not been done to this day.
Meanwhile, all this taken together is a frank and categorical opposition to Stalin's call for unconditional and unconditional defense of the USSR. After all, if they say that neither the Soviet Union itself, nor the people - the bearer of its sovereignty "no longer exist", then it turns out that there is, in fact, nothing and no one to defend.
The Soviet people have been experiencing this policy of denying them a real existence, these "burials alive" for almost thirty years, and none of us, I think, need to explain at length how this legalized cannibalism looks in practice - everyone probably had the opportunity see for yourself in your own skin. After all, from the very beginnings of the psycho-information war, the Americans did not hide the fact that the destruction of the Soviet people is their ultimate, longed-for goal. And insofar as we observe how the International Meetings of Communist, God forgive me, parties are held according to this pro-American pattern, we cannot regard it otherwise than as an ideologically biased howl to our geopolitical adversary.
Let us now compare, at least briefly, this shameful and contemptible picture with what we could have if today's world communist movement took, after all, the STALIN (i.e., truly Marxist-Leninist) position that we have characterized above. .
Just imagine how the cause of the liberation and revival of the USSR would progress if the communist parties in capitalist countries, members of the European Union and NATO began to actively preach the irrefutable truth already mentioned here that the USSR has not gone anywhere, legally it retains its legal personality and only temporarily, in as a result of military defeat, is in the fetters of the very imperialist cabal, which is hated by all people of good will on the planet.
Not to mention the communist parties of the "fraternal" in quotation marks socialist countries: they apparently completely forgot about the huge, sometimes decisive support that the Soviet Union provided them in THEIR national liberation wars. Or, perhaps, they themselves expect to profit from something for themselves from the occupation devastation that reigns on our territory?
It is exactly the same savagery and shame that in all these countries, from where many dozens of communist parties flock to idle "international meetings", the progressive public, and even the unfortunate "communists" themselves, in fact, know nothing - this must be understood - about the continued existence of the unconquered Soviet people, about their rights, although violated, but legally fully preserved, and about their many years of struggle for the freedom, independence and territorial integrity of their Socialist Fatherland.
The situation is somewhat reminiscent of the one that developed in 1926-27, when the provocative activities of the Trotskyists, who were at the head of the Comintern at that time, pushed Great Britain to break off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and led to the growth of hostility towards us abroad.
The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks radically corrected the point of view of our delegation in the Comintern and stimulated the holding of a large-scale event that was aimed at turning world public opinion into an objectively correct direction.
Such an event was the World Congress of Friends of the USSR, convened nominally at the initiative of foreign workers' delegations that arrived in Moscow to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution [4] , but the guiding power of Stalin's thought is undeniable here.
The congress was held in Moscow on November 10–12, 1927, and was attended by about a thousand delegates from more than forty countries. The appeal adopted by the Congress ended with an appeal to the working people of the whole world: "Fight, defend, protect the USSR, the homeland of the working people, the stronghold of peace, the center of liberation, the fortress of socialism, by all means, by all means!" [five]
Today, as it seems, an event of this kind would be extremely timely and useful for us, too.
It would help to put the entire present, opportunistically misguided "international communist movement" on its head.
To highlight before him - finally - a true, real, and not imitatively falsified panorama of everything that is happening on the planet, and to identify priorities that would make it possible to move on to a real struggle from its many decades of imitation.
Bring out - finally - the imitators who pharisaically glorify Stalin and with an important air march to his grave with armfuls of carnations, but in fact not only are not guided by Stalinist (i.e. Marxist-Leninist) ideas, but on throughout their careers, they have been concerned only with filling up more tightly all the cracks where these ideas, in their modern form, could break through to the consciousness of the masses.
Reaffirm to all who position themselves as a communist, and to all who sincerely reach out for communist teachings as a beacon of reason, that Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and the USSR are synonymous, and anyone who wants to serve communism "separately" from Stalin and the USSR, he will either directly hire a class enemy, or a simpleton who does not understand where communism is and where the swamp of counter-revolution is.
Dear comrades, we ourselves, how many of us there are today, are unlikely to master the world-class Congress. But this does not mean that we should not come up with an initiative that is essentially long overdue and overripe. I clarify that the idea of the Second World Congress was first voiced by me in 1994, in the status of a member of the UPC-CPSU Council [6] , and at the same time this notorious UPC-CPSU was dismissed with disdain and even with mockery. But times are still changing, and who knows where we will find allies today in the implementation of this plan. In any case, the initiative - which I hope you will support - must be promoted in every possible way, without fear that, as usual, it will become the prey of interceptors.
In 1993–95, we, veterans of the Soviet movement, faced the same seeming "hopelessness" in connection with the Congress of Citizens of the USSR - no one wanted to cooperate with us in this most urgent undertaking of that time. But we still held it, and turned out to be historically absolutely right. And even from the interceptors, in the end, they managed to fight back.
It is scary even to think how many things WOULD NOT BE if the Congress had not been held and had not gained a foothold in the political arena as a permanent one. Estimate for yourself, I will not list. There would not have been a host of current trans-USSR organizations, because where would they get the material from, because they have all of our congress documents. Etc.
That is, if we approach our next initiative on the same principle, then, most likely, we will not be mistaken.
So, to the Second World Congress of Friends of the USSR!