Isn't it time for an international movement
Isn't it time for the international communist movement to rub its eyes on the temporarily occupied USSR and its struggle for its liberation?
Towards the results of the 19th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
(St. Petersburg - Moscow, November 2017)
Moscow, December 17, 2017
In connection with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Leningrad and Moscow, the XIX International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties was held in two stages, on November 2-3 and November 5-8, in which 103 organizations of the corresponding profile from 77 countries participated.
An Appeal "to all communist parties" was adopted as a resolution document with a call to "intensify coordination activities" and "take joint actions" such as: "give an objective assessment of the current socio-political processes"; "organize the conduct of scientific research and exchange of views on the causes that led to the counter-revolutionary coup in the USSR." Etc.; moreover, all this is in such a tone that one might think that such studies have not been carried out and the desired estimates, almost exhaustive, have not been given a long time ago, in the materials of the Soviet-patriotic movement in the USSR, which is the same for the aforementioned XIX meeting , as in the previous eighteen, according to the established destructive "tradition", was not invited.
A well-known Internet activist, a resident of Kiev, Yu.P. Solomatin, in his selection of texts for the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, characterizes the mentioned Appeal as "ANTI-Stalinist and ANTI-Soviet."
Are there sufficient grounds for such a deadly characterization?
Without a doubt, there are; no matter how sorry it is to state the fact that more than a hundred "communist and workers' parties" gathered - and nothing but depressing intellectual poverty, presented in the notorious Appeal, they could not compose.
As for anti-Stalinism, no special evidence is required here, it lies on the surface. For it was necessary, as they say, to back it up, so that when analyzing the hundred-year post-revolutionary path of the socialist idea and socialist practice, not a single sound should be said about Stalin and his contribution to all these affairs.
As for anti-Sovietism, in relation to anti-Stalinism it is simply another name for it, because the mission of I.V. Stalin, as a figure of a world-historical scale, consisted precisely in building the first Soviet socialist, workers' and peasants' state on Earth - the USSR.
The Executive Committee of the Congress of Citizens of the USSR has just - on December 5 - held its traditional rally in honor of the Day of the Stalin Constitution (the Constitution of the USSR of 1936). One of the materials of the rally is titled: Socialism and communism without economics according to Stalin is absurd . [one]
But in the light of the stupid "recommendations" coming from the top of the "international communist and workers' movement", one should, of course, clarify: not only without the economy according to Stalin, but also WITHOUT ANYTHING "according to Stalin", socialism and communism are such but absurdity, empty chatter of people who do not understand the meaning of the words they utter.
Take, for example, the Marxist, deeply dialectical idea of the world revolutionary process, which was promoted by I.V. Stalin since the 1920s as an objective historical integrity, which develops, goes through certain stages in its development. Moreover, each subsequent stage dialectically "removes" the positive results of the previous ones, becomes their concentrated expression, the energy core of further progress.
This is the core of world revolutionary dynamics that the USSR became after its emergence - as the highest achievement at that time and a manifestation of the revolutionary potential of mankind. The fate of the global revolutionary process has become inseparable from the fate of the USSR, concentrated in it as in a kind of epicenter, bypassing which to decide anything in this field objectively it was no longer possible.
And that is why Stalin so uncompromisingly emphasized that for any Marxist, communist, revolutionary on the planet, protecting the USSR from encroachments by imperialism is a vital task. [2]
And what have the current "international communist forces" been showing us, for almost thirty years now? They demonstrate to us a complete lack of understanding of the geopolitical and more comprehensive - the socio-dialectical situation in the world, unfamiliarity with the political and philosophical heritage of I.V. Stalin and the inability to do anything reasonable to help us overcome our national catastrophe - which is also a planetary catastrophe of the general plan.
What is happening in the USSR is interpreted from the Trotskyist positions - as the "collapse" of socialism under the weight of its own internal contradictions and the inevitability, supposedly, of a "repeated socialist revolution." The same taboo has been imposed on the Soviet-patriotic approach that weighs on it among our domestic imitations.
To read the anniversary "communist" concoction - so there is no tragedy with the USSR and with the largest divided people on the globe - the Soviet people, generally speaking, there is no. See what the world communist community is most concerned about: to demand an end to the American blockade of Cuba, to support the right of the people of Palestine to establish an independent state, to express solidarity with the peoples of the countries of the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe, subjected to imperialist occupation, intervention, blockade or interference in their internal affairs; first of all, for some reason, with the Ukrainian people...
There is no dispute, it is absolutely necessary to express solidarity with Cubans, Palestinians and everyone else, but this is hardly the main trouble on planet Earth now.
It turns out that the country of the USSR and its people - the Soviet people - have not been and are not subjected to any imperialist occupation, or "creeping" intervention, or interference in their internal affairs? In relation to the Soviet people, their geopolitical adversary - the United States - does not directly set the task of their DESTRUCTION and genocide is not being carried out? Is there no destruction and plunder of all kinds of his national treasure - a plunder that has already far surpassed his losses in the Great Patriotic War?
Blockade of Cuba - yes, it is disgusting and resentful. But would the representatives of world communism explain why the picture of many years of the most severe crushing, by the methods of psycho-information war, of the first state of workers on Earth does not cause any emotions in them?
Nineteen once they talked at their empty "international meetings", and no one even once hinted at the National Liberation Struggle of the Soviet people, about the need for worldwide consolidation of the left forces HERE WITH IT, about this struggle, about the need for all its support, widespread propaganda of those goals , those ideals in the name of which it is conducted, those ideological and theoretical principles on which it is based.
But the Soviet people, as a collection of citizens of the USSR, have not gone away, they declared their unconditionally continuing existence 22 years ago, at the Congress of Citizens of the USSR of the first convocation in 1995, in Declaration of the Unity of the Soviet People , which over time will undoubtedly be put on a par with such historical documents as the Declaration of Independence of the United States and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of the Great French Bourgeois Revolution.
Since then, not a year has passed when new and new developments have not appeared, the initiatives of the Congress of Citizens of the USSR and its think tank - the Bolshevik Platform, including such large-scale ones as Draft of a new edition of the Constitution of the USSR . [3] Recall, at least, the struggle for the preservation of Soviet citizenship, for de jure recognition of the existence of the USSR, for the qualification of the USSR as a temporarily occupied country, etc.
And after all, all this, one way or another, albeit sometimes in a plagiarism, but borrowed, entered the flesh and blood of the liberation movement in the USSR. “In essence,” said one of the participants in the recent Plenum of the Executive Committee of the USSR SG (November 19, 2017), “they updated, improved, modernized the Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist and philosophical, and economic system, and created a model that allows us to give a rational explanation for what which none of the other parties of the communist persuasion can explain. It allows us to understand what happened to us and why, in what position we are, and on the basis of all this decide what to do." [4]
With all the obviousness, they were not engaged in trifles. It is only unknown where, with all this, there was a host of communist and workers' parties - which today are just going to organize research and exchange opinions about the causes of what happened to us over the past at least thirty years. Is this venture too late? Everyone tried to push various annoying "citizens of the USSR" somewhere to the sidelines, but as a result they themselves found themselves on the sidelines: on the sidelines of the development of the modern communist worldview.
“Not a single UPC-CPSU,” writes our colleague Ming Wu from Beijing, “not a single Cominitiative, no SolidNet with the Communist Party of China and Comrade Xi said clearly and articulately: “The USSR continues to exist de jure, the USSR suffered a TEMPORARY defeat in Kholodnaya ( information-psychological) war. The Soviet people are the only legal entity on the territory of their country. The Soviet people continue the struggle, which means they will win .
And thus, here we have another version of the absurdity that stems from the attempts to do without Stalin and the USSR in today's communism: these are "international meetings" at which representatives of the struggling Soviet people are absent, not invited, and its ideology is banned: modern Soviet patriotism .
The more resolutely this absurdity is put an end to, the more irrevocably its other pernicious varieties will vanish.