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Proletarians of all countries,
unite from citizens of the USSR!
Supporters of leftist views are everywhere on the planet, if you want some acceptable future for you and your "leftist" dreams, join the ranks of fighters for the liberation of the USSR from imperialist bandit occupation, for the restoration of legitimate - Soviet power in our country, for the return of her legal representation in international organizations! You will immediately feel how the political atmosphere on the globe will improve and improve!
Organize in your countries campaigns of solidarity with the unconquered citizens of the USSR who are fighting for the freedom and independence of their Socialist Motherland!
Demand from the ruling circles of your countries (and at the same time from the leadership of the parties in which you are a member) that they recognize the INDISPUTABLE FACT of the continuation of the legal existence of the USSR and the preservation of all the fullness of its legal personality!
Remind everyone around you about the Referendum in defense of the USSR on March 17, 1991, about the political and legal inviolability of its results, and that the violation of the will of the Soviet people, who voted for the preservation of the USSR with a majority of over three-quarters of the votes, was, is to this day and will continue to be a crime of transnational neo-fascism awaiting its Nuremberg Tribunal!