Soviet Bolshevik-Stalinists
The Soviet Bolshevik-Stalinists, who gathered in Moscow to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the revival of Bolshevism in the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR, turn to the current so-called International Communist and Labor Movement as a whole, represented by such organizations as MVKiRP, EKI (European Communist Initiative) , Solidnet, etc.,
with the following exhortation, which, if it is again passed by you "by the ears", will add to you, plus the already existing one, a fair share of indelible shame and contempt in the eyes of future generations.
Comrades (by tradition, we address you this way, although you have long lost the right to a communist partnership),
having left the only true Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist path, you have lost your sense of reality and, in fact, for many years you have absolutely no idea what is happening around you in the world.
Nowadays, it is unacceptable to "not see" that for almost three quarters of a century an imperialist world war of a new type has been raging on the planet - an information-psychological one, "victories" in which are achieved by methods of sabotage forbidden for a civilized society, knocking together "fifth columns" and inspiring national treason against on a corruption basis, in the camp of the country - the victims of the attack, and that only and precisely through the use of these (or similar) dirty, bandit "technologies" could Soviet power be overthrown and the socialist social system in the USSR collapsed.
And yet, you parrotingly borrowed the nonsense of Euro-American anti-Sovietists about some ineradicable contradictions of socialism, which served, allegedly, as the reason for its "self-disintegration" at the end of the last century and do not allow the question of its restoration to be raised in the future, and for decades you have been poisoning these nonsense the consciousness of the working people in your countries.
Meanwhile, what happened to the USSR and, together with it, to the entire socialist camp, is not a “self-disintegration”, but a consequence of the fascist “total war” waged against us by world imperialism, spitting on internationally legalized legal norms, on interstate agreements, on UN Charter, etc.
By agreeing to portray, falsely and biasedly, the defeat in the war as a kind of "self-destruction", you inevitably had to slide into further meanness, in relation not to the Soviet state, but to the Soviet people: for decades, you diligently closed your eyes to the fact of the continued existence of the Soviet people and his resistance to occupational enslavement.
And History will never forgive you for that.
In all the nooks and crannies of the globe you did not seek out and raise the national liberation struggle at your "international meetings" - but the national liberation struggle of the Soviet people did not receive a single sound at these shameful "meetings", even a mention of it. .
With indignation, we observed from year to year this disgusting savagery: more than a hundred "communist" will gather - you don't even know what to call them, after all, they are not "parties", they talk for hours about some kind of solidarity with the fighting peoples, - and here but "monolithically" turn their backs to the heroic People, the pioneer of socialism on the planet, which alone, in a stone bag of information blockade, resists the next invasion of the fascist beast, which does not hide its cherished goal of destroying it, this People.
And your intellectual squalor is matched by your political meanness and dishonor.
You, like savages in loincloths, have been dancing for more than half a century some kind of stupid "taboo" around the name and deed of one of the greatest communist thinkers and practitioners, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; Is there really not a single intelligent person among you who would enlighten you that with the same "reason" you can dance around Marx, Jean-Jacques Rousseau or Hegel in armbands?
What kind of "communism" are you fake "communists" aiming at without the Stalinist economic model, don't you understand that the gate to the non-exploitative world of Labor - Creativity, labor as a free outpouring of human creativity, is Stalin's cost-effective economy?
And where do you understand that the Leninist-Stalinist USSR is an ingenious "plan-project" of the future World Republic of Soviets, that the Stalinist Soviet people are the prototype of the future classless society, and without the Stalinist democratic model - without the institutionalization program of mass grassroots critical and creative initiative it is useless to raise a conversation about our future in the realm of democracy.
The Soviet Bolsheviks, in the half century that you were jumping around the fires from the works of Stalin, not only returned to Lenin-Stalin, but also raised the communist doctrine as an integrity to a historically new stage of its development - at which you now only stare in bewilderment, to assure each other that you can manage without all this.
Of course, you will manage, of course, not for the first time, but we recommend that you take into account that Modern Communism, in the person of its vanguard detachment - Soviet patriots, did very well without you. You tried to push the Genius to the backyards of History, but the Genius remained where he was supposed to be, but you yourself ended up in those backyards.
Well, the result is natural. And as soon as you decide to get out of the quagmire, then we, in general, will not refuse help if they ask us, but we must take into account that we are not particularly eager to drag this Euro-"communist" behemoth of yours out of the swamp.
The Bolshevik platform knows from experience that the excessive activity of those who help only leads to the fact that, after being pulled out of the swamp, the hippopotamus again throws itself back with pleasure.
So, if you really want to get there, you need to get out onto Marxist land, not on someone else's hump, but primarily through your own efforts.
See you, if you are historically lucky, on the fertile foundation of Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism.
On behalf of the Soviet
Bolshevik-Stalinists, − Information Bureau of the Executive Committee of the Congress of Citizens of the USSR T. Khabarova,
V. Ignatiev Moscow, July 3, 2021