Resolution of the meeting of the activists of the citizens of the USSR
Friends of the USSR and the Soviet people, unite!
Meetings of the activists of citizens of the USSR in Moscow in honor of the 140th anniversary of the birth of I.V. STALIN
Moscow, Zastava Ilyich, December 21, 2019
The meeting of the activists of the citizens of the USSR in Moscow in honor of the 140th anniversary of the birth of I.V. Stalin, after hearing and discussing the report of the Secretary-Coordinator of the Bolshevik Platform in the CPSU T. Khabarova and the speeches of the participants in the Meeting, decided:
1. Approve and accept for execution the idea of holding the Second World Congress of Friends of the USSR, justified by the speaker, Stalinist in origin.
2. Recommend to the participants and supporters of the Movement of Citizens of the USSR and the Bolshevik Platform to study and discuss in their cells the text of the mentioned report and to organize its widest possible distribution by all means available to them.
3. Recommend publishing the report in the newspaper "Leninsky Put" (Leningrad) and in the renewable information bulletin "Svetoch".
4. Through the forces of our organization, bring the text of the report of T. Khabarova to the attention of all communist, workers and other parties included in the Solidnet, Cominitiative and MVKRP systems.
Specially bring the text of the report to the attention of the leadership of the UCP-CPSU and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the editorial offices of the newspaper "Pravda" and the journal "Political Education", as well as the leadership of the Communist Parties of Turkey and Greece, which hosted the 21st ICCWP and bear their share of responsibility for the unacceptably low general political level this event.
"Specially bring to the attention" - this means not just sending it by e-mail, but trying to do it through personal meetings of our representatives with sufficiently responsible persons from the mentioned addressees.
5. To widely promote the senselessness and doom of attempts to "excommunicate" the future of the USSR and the Soviet people from the course of world history, to "delete" them from the upcoming unfolding of the world historical process.
Pay special attention to the absurdity and absolute further unacceptability of such a state of affairs, when parties and other organizations that position themselves as "communist", "Marxist", "workers", etc., participate in attempts of this kind all together and for many years in a row.
6. Proceed as a preliminary to the formation of the Organizing Committee of the proposed World Congress, invite to participate in it and in all the preparatory work for the Congress of EVERYONE WHO SINCERELY SHARE Stalin's - he, no doubt, Lenin's - testament of unconditional and unconditional, resolute and selfless defense of the USSR as the most precious offspring of the October Revolution, as the pinnacle of the centuries-old liberation aspirations of all working people!
Friends of the USSR and the Soviet people, unite!